Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ok its been a long time since i posted last

Well since i have posted last there has been alot of ups and downs but the ups have been great Shayla is really starting to babble alot now along with all of her other lovely noises that started about a month ago also a month ago she got sick and so did i right after we got back from our Seattle visit i got better within two weeks but she never did and then she started running fevers high fevers again but no seizures thank god took her to er that is close to where we live and they are just dummies so we went to Boise and she had a collapsed lung and she had the flu and dr law is convinced that she had the swine flu but he still wants her vaccinated against it. we only spent 4 days in hospital after that issue the day before we were released Shayla was off OXYGEN ALL DAY not just part and since then she really doesn't need it all to often there are still days here in Idaho that she does but not very much it is such a huge change considering we left the hospital with her need 2liters of oxygen she is still on bipap as well but the oxygen she need through there was 6liters and is now 3liters she is doing so great she just isn't the same baby anymore.
Also we have started pt, ot and speech and there is a school here that is going to be starting to work with her too when ever they call back but they therapy part speech believes we can get her to eat by mouth but we have to get her to stop putting her tongue up in the back of her mouth and then pt and ot believes we will get her sitting and walking and crawling that this is just all going to take some time but at least we have a plan and they have hope that this will happen and i believe that it will to.
On an even better note the walls of Shayla's donor heart are finally thinning out which is a really good thing except Dr kemna threatened to take Shayla's oximeter monitor away from me because Shayla's heart is doing so well that when she sleeps her heart rate is only in the 50s sometimes at least that is when she is in a sound sleep but of course i am still not use to it so i call and tell the transplant team about it. But other then me freaking sometimes with it she is doing so well she can roll onto her belly now just not off of it and she hates being on it (one of just a few things for ot/pt). Shayla also finally got a top tooth in so she can definitely bite now leaving indents on mommies fingers let me tell ya it hurts she also has this obsession with scratching doesn't matter where if its your eye you cheek or anything she can get her hands on. her other famous thing is when i put her in bed with me to take a nap or something if my back is facing her she pulls my hair and kicks me now and it is no better facing her cause than she just goes for everything. i am teaching her to hug though and trying to get her to learn to clap her hands and play with toys we did manage to find one toy that she absolutely loves it is a bumble bee by v-tech. This morning we had to get up to see docs and speech and i don't remember what i was doing or telling her but i swear i heard her tell me no and not just the shaking of the head no but the word lol she just cracks me up.

Well November 13Th is Shayla's biopsy of her heart for her 1yr it is a month early but i don't wanna chance not being able to get there in December because usually after Halloween it starts to get bad here sometimes not but i don't wanna take any chance also at that same time she will be getting a button hopefully just the g button not a gj also she will be having a hearing test and she will also be having another sleep study and she will also be having a eeg to see if we can get her off the keppra she has been on for seizures since just after her first birthday. the other good part about this is that after her biopsy we don't go back to Seattle tell January yippee!!!! i cant wait i am so tired of traveling i think it is high time to start making them further apart especially with how well she is doing. we still have the battles with keeping the blood levels straight like right now but that is partially do to the er here where we live don't wanna get into that because it makes me angry. well i don't think that there is much more to report right now but hopefully soon.

with love the wilson family

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