Tuesday, February 24, 2009

learning new things

Shayla learned how to scoot her way so she was crooked in bed on her side and on her back she kept doing it all day at one point i thought that she was going to hit her head on the bars of the bed. She is most definitely becoming a normal baby she absolutely refused to take a nap today she did kinda take a 20min one when we went and got dinner but then of course she was awake when we got back and then she was awake tell 11pm and i have been up with her since 7:30 this morning cause she spent the morning puking but we started a new med to hopefully help with that. She did stay off her bi pap today from 8:30 this morning tell 9 tonight she is doing soo good i don't know what to do with her but she isn't liking being picked up at all but i still do it and she calms down after a few minutes she did enjoy her swing today and she was playing with a toy that we had on it. I get to talk to the docs tomorrow and see if we can't go down on her pressure support on her bi pap with just how good she is doing. Oh yeah she also kinda learned how to make a clicking noise with her tongue and she knows how to get from her side to her back and she can almost roll onto her stomach from her side of course. we are still waiting on neuro to come look at her again and go from there though. I don't know anything new on Daniel yet. I do know a family that really needs prayers that their son will go comfortably when he does go and that he isn't in pain his name is Allen and he is 5yrs old and has 7 brain tumors he is a great kid and deserves to go in peace and no pain. You all have given us so much support please pass some prayers to him in his time of need.

With love the Wilson family.

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