Sunday, February 15, 2009

Once in awhile

So they actually got something from the cultures they sent she has what they call a Gram + rod and a Gram - rod that grew they don't know what they are yet but they will most likely be starting her on an antibiotic to cover everything so that we don't end up back in the icu or where we were July 2nd of 2008. We rarely if ever have anything grow back from the cultures that they sent in a way it is a good thing that something finally showed up so that it doesn't mean that she has been withdrawing it actually means she is sick in other ways it sucks because this grew out of her red lumin on her hickman now the reason that is important is because back in november? that lumin broke so they spliced it and fixed it well every time this happens it hightens the risk of infection well the same line broke again this past month and well now it has an infection thank god though that they caught it early enough that we should be fine they are reculturing and starting antibiotics two diffrent ones that are broad sprectrum antibiotics so we shall see how this goes.


  1. ARRRGGGHHH!! That stinkin line. I cried more in the ICU over the line going in and out than anything else. I HATED the drama with the line. Mia pretty much ran a fever for months- it was lovely!

    Hopefully the antibiotics can take care of it all -now that the line is out.

    On a happy note (I just caught up) Congrats on being on the floor!! sooo exciting. It is an entire different world on the floor. It will be a blessing that you are staying so close. I drove and still drive to Seattle ALL THE TIME after we went home. Thanks for updating!

  2. Sorry about that darn seems these little things are always what sets things back! Hopefully the antibiotics will take care of it. Shayla looks so happy and I just love those cheeks!!! Hope the last couple of days went well. Hang in there!
    Katie & Maddie
